From 1st February 2016 landlords are required by law to check that their tenants have a right to live in the UK. The new rules apply to any tenancy starting on or after 1st February. This means that Michael Hardy Lettings will be carrying out the necessary checks on behalf of all landlords for tenancies that are due to start on or after that date. The checks have to be made against ALL occupiers of the property (excluding anyone under the age of 18) and this applies whether or not such occupiers are named as tenants in the tenancy agreement. The checking process will be very straightforward in most situations – simply a case of checking the occupiers’ passports. Please note that the occupier will have to produce their ORIGINAL passport and this must be checked by Michael Hardy in the physical presence of the occupier. Michael Hardy are required to make a copy of the passport and retain it on file for the duration of the tenancy.